Program Unggulan

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    Sep 08 2022

    5 Rekomendasi Film Paling Horor dari Kisah Nyata

    Jangan coba nonton sendiri.

    5 Rekomendasi Film Paling Horor dari Kisah Nyata Film "The Exorcist" (MOVIEDEN)
    Editor Team



    Tue, 26 Dec 2023

    . Terrorized me with a painful cold feeling that made me lose consciousness. This short story was the first winner of the Ghost Writing Compeiton held by Writing Management, Lygia Pecandu Rain, and Grasindo Publisher. I stepped on it. Hopefully this anthology of horror short stories is the first step on the ladder that will take me to a higher place. For clearer information, you can visit our website


      Sat, 06 Jan 2024

      Thank you for the information it's really scary, though I really like this story For further information, please visit our website


        Sun, 07 Jan 2024

        terima kasih atas informasinya memang sangat seram sekali tapi saya sangat menyukai cerita ini untuk informasi lebih lanjut bisa kunjungi website kami